Saturday, September 17, 2011

80,000 Should be a City

I know a study was done a few years back that indicated that San Pedro could not be financially self sufficient. But this does not compute. There are smaller cities than San Pedro. Heck, the City of Vernon does not even have any residents. They do have businesses though. So the real question is how to bring businesses into town.

Since the financial study a few years back, San Pedro has gained a Target and a Home Deopot. These additions should help make the possibility of San Pedro as an independent City more of a reality. In that light, I would like to propose that we add some businesses down by the new cruise ship terminal. Today, it is not strange for folks to arrive at the cruise ship early and to go for a walk. Maybe we need to bring the businesses to the cruise ships instead of the cruise ship customers to the businesses.

Having tollies to bring people down town is one way to foster business. But when you look at the businesses available downtown, why would them come? Who would buy art before the cruise. Who would want to go window shopping when half the stores are not open. Maybe we need a few simple stores down by the cruise ships to give the tourists some essentials and to provide them with a feel for San Pedro. Heck, lets move Utros down by the Cruise ship and add a place for fishing off a mini pier or to feed the fish, and then add an "I forgot shop" to sell things tourist always forget to pack. Throw in some Pedro shirts and all of a sudden you have a mini-destination. Utros is already isolated at the end of this fisherman's port. Move them to a more scenic spot closer to their old home overlooking the water, and we could have a win win.

80,000 Pedrans need their own city. Finding ways to bring in some more business can help get us there. What are your ideas.

Just a guy from Pedro

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