Monday, October 11, 2010

Small Town in a Big City

Just the other day I met a nice midwestern mom who has been in San Pedro for over 20 years. When asked how she ended up in Pedro she says a friend told her about it. Her friend told her about how San Pedro is a small town in a big city. San Pedro is a place like many small towns across America where everyone knows your name, your dad's name, mom's name, the name of the soccer team you played on, etc. Some people like to leave town, make their own names for themselves. But at the end of the day, no matter where you go there you are. You can be in NY, but you will always be you, and you will always have a bit of Pedro in you.

We have a pretty funky town, lots of different interests, but we do have motivated people that care, we have a good small town vibe. Enjoy your day.

Just a guy from Pedro.