Friday, March 25, 2011

Target Pot Holes

Having a Target in town has been a boon. But the entrance into the parking lot has been less than stellar. Even when Eastview little league was at the site water would pool along Capitol, not draining towards the strom drain. Target unfortunately put a driveway right where the water pools. As a result, we end up with big pot holes in the entrance of Target. Besides some cars bottoming out, this is an eye sore.

It seems to me that Target should work to fix the pot holes by creating a concrete entrance. Similar to the way we use concrete at the bus stops to keep the road from eroding, we should cement the part of Capitol in front of the entrance way. This would provide the extra strength needed to handle the increased traffic. I think this is the best option. The other option would be to move the entrance into Target up the street where the water does not pool as much.

Let me know what you think.

Just a Guy from Pedro