Saturday, June 4, 2011

American Economy Gambit

It is amazing how Republicans cannot convince Americans and the Media that the latest round of Government spending is bad. Instead, the Media rolls out stupid economist who say that the Government needs to hire (thus spend more) to create jobs. Though this is true, the Media and their stupid economists, fail to explain that when the Government does this it is like people living off their credit cards.

Many regular folks who have been laid off or have been working low paying jobs use credit cards to help them get buy. This is a necessity for many. But for a lot of people during the real estate bust this is what got them into trouble. Now, the Government is repeating this mistake.

What the Republicans fail to explain is that all the Government spending is like people living off their credit cards. In the Government's case they are actually gambling that the economy will recover prior to the need to pay the debt. Unfortunately no one is calling our the Government on their gambit. And no one has explained this to the American people. It is now June, the latest GDP numbers are being revised down, the May unemployment numbers were dismal, and the housing market is still stagnet. The Gambit is looking like a loser.

Just a guy calling a gambit a gambit.

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