Thursday, January 5, 2012

Republicans are Dolts for Poor Spin

At the National level the Republican party has the worst public relations team on the planet. They are lazy and are getting schooled by the Democrats at every turn. Like it or not, President Obama is a likeable figure. So, the Republican attempt to demonize him comes across as hollow to many independents. As the economy continues to limp along slowly getting better, President Obama has the opportunity to make the case that he has lead America through the Great Recession and is on a path to a better future. The Republicans for some reason are too lazy or too wimpy to point out that it was the Democratic Congress that drove the economy into the ditch in 2008. And it was the Republican congress voted into office into 2010 that kept President Obama from running the economy into a ditch again. It was the Republican congress voted into office in 2010 that kept President Obaman and the democrats from spending more. And despite the Democrats stating that the sky would fall if everything they wanted was not approved, it hasn't. Without everything the Democrats wanted the economy is slowly recovering. If the Republicans can improve the economy with only 1/3 of the government, just think what they could do with the Presidency and the Senate. Unfortunately, the Republican's don't know how to higher a publicist. And the Republicans don't know how to make a distinct case about why they are better than the Democrats without demonizing a likeable guy, President Obama.

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