Thursday, December 20, 2012
No Shopping in San Pedro
Thank goodness that Target and Home Depot came to town, otherwise shopping in Pedro would be almost nil. Other than Urban Outfitters and a couple of other stores downtown there is no good shopping. I don't know what comes first, people or the good shops. But at this point someone needs to gamble on Pedro. Unlike the mall you can't just cruise downtown Pedro looking for gifts. I mean, if you want to buy stuff from thrift shops I guess that works, but most of us are looking for something a little higher end. Besides half the stores are closed when you go down town. The lack of coordination in store hours downtown is frustrating. There is something to be said for the San Pedro independent spirit, but not even coordinating with fellow store owners for a core set of business hours is ridiculous. Wouldn't it be good if the San Pedro Chamber of Commerce actually took a lead on coordinating store hours, marketing those core hours, and working to find some more parking to make it easier for people to stay and cruise the shops. Just a crazy thought that the Chamber of COMMERCE would actually focus on commerce and deal with the issue at hand instead of just hopes and dreams of a revitalized waterfront and Ports of Call. There are things that can be done now. Unfortunately our leaders avoid the hard calls to focus on the easy hope and dreams of a better future with no effort expended today to make things brighter.
Monday, November 19, 2012
22nd Street Park - Great Idea
As I drive through San Pedro there are a number of properties with nothing more than a chain link fence surrounding them. When I was growing up these vacant lots were play yards. Places to ride your bike, play catch and dig in the dirt. Now, property owners surround these lots with fences. Times have changed. But maybe we should reverse this trend. Take a look at the HUGE vacant lot next to "The Spot" on 22nd and Pacific. This lot use to be a hotel years ago before it burned down. Now it sits there with a fence around it. Maybe the Neighborhood council and Joe Busciano and the San Pedro Chamber of Commerce look to make this a park. It seems like the city should be able to post some signs up indicating that the owner is not liable for injuries on the property and help avoid the legal issues that caused the fence to go up. Maybe the city could give the property owner a break for lending its property to the neighborhood for a park. Maybe the Neighborhood Council could adopt this property and find neighbors in the area that will work to keep the property clean. Maybe the San Pedro Chamber of Commerce could work with the neighborhood to put up some walls or huge rocks to reduce the chance for dumping on the property and to reduce the chance that the lot will be used for parking. Maybe if the whole community works together San Pedro can have a 22nd Street Park on Pacific. This would give all the apartments dwellers in the area a close place to have their children play, provide a nice place to hang out while doing laundry across the street, and make San Pedro better looking. Now, if we could get everyone to work together we could have a 22nd Street Park on Pacific near the homes and apartments that surround it.
Thursday, September 27, 2012
ILWU Should Vote Repbulican
At some point the ILWU needs to start voting Republican. The ILWU needs to start voting its wallet. At some point the ILWU members will realize that its Boss' and Crane Operators ARE the 1% that the Democrats want to tax. At some point the ILWU members will realize that more containers can come into the port with a business friendly Republican party. At some point the ILWU will realize that they get to keep more of their money if the deficit is addressed now rather than later. At some point the ILWU will realize that they have "cadillac" health plans that will be taxed/penalized. At some point the ILWU will recognize that they will have to pay for other's health care. At some point the ILWU members need to vote their wallet. Let us hope for the best.
Monday, September 24, 2012
Buscaino Shines on Parking for Field of Dreams
Anyone that has gone to an AYSO game or practice at the Field of Dreams in San Pedro know the value of parking. On the weekend the Field of Dream is filled with games from early in the morning through the afternoon. The one constant is that parking is limited such that parents park on the street as far away as the Home Depot store. When you have small kids it gets tricky finding a good spot where you can cross the street safely. Given this parking problem, Joe Buscaino is making a push to expand the parking lot at the Field of Dreams. This is a great idea. The Field is not fully used during the weekends and can easily handle additional parking without impacting the games. This is a win-win for San Pedro. The Field of Dreams becomes better with better parking, making it safer for everyone. Way to go Joe!!
Saturday, September 8, 2012
No On All California Propositions - 2012
After all these years with the California Proposition system there is one truth. Everyone of them is sponsored by a special interest, and those interests tend to never serve the majority of Californians. In addition, I cannot seem to name one that actually turned out good. I am not saying that there were not good ideas, but in the end the good ideas tend to get corrupted or what was sold is not exactly what was provided. And as a taxpayer I am struggling to understand how all these bonds get passed. Maybe all the voters don't actually pay taxes. But, given that I end up footing the bill for special interest lobbied propositions that really don't help the average joe, my answer is NO to all propositions.
Please join me in voting NO on ALL California Propositions. We need to ask our representatives to do their jobs instead of leaning on lobbyist who propose propositions that only server those interests. Say NO to getting abused. Say NO to Special Interest groups taking advantage of voters. Say No to have people pay for taxes that they never have to pay. Say NO to taxation without representation. Because if your representative did not vote for taxes, then it must be illegal. I mean, how is it true that your neighbors and fellow Californians are your representatives that authorize taxation for you.
Wednesday, August 29, 2012
Great New San Pedro Marina, Lowsy 22nd Street Landing
San Pedro continues to invest in its future. The new marina on 22nd Street is awesome. Taking a drive to visit the SS Lane Victory with its harbor views is great. Unfortunately, the closes places to eat are Utro's or 22nd Street Landing. Utro's is Utro's, good food, good atmosphere. I am definitely not taking a date there. 22nd Street Restaurant on the other hand produces poor fare. The lobster bis and Clam Chowder soups are good, but they probably come out of a can as everything else is not that good. For a fish place, the fish is second rate at best. Before the marina there was no need to go to 22nd Street Landing since it was out of the way. With the new marina the restaurant is loosing an opportunity to be a shinning lite for San Pedro. It is a shame that the restaurant with such a proud and long history produces second rate fish meals and wastes a great harbor view.
Wednesday, August 22, 2012
Proposed Toll Road Through San Pedro
I think it is time that San Pedro and the City of Los Angeles look for compensation for the over development of Rolling Hills, Rancho Palos Verdes, Palos Verdes, etc. There is no secret that there is lots of traffic on Western Avenue, 25th Street, 9th Street, 1st Street, and Gaffey as these city residence drive on San Pedro roads to get on the freeway or go to school on the hill. In the mean time San Pedrans have to deal with traffic and worn down roads. I know it won't happen, but I would love all these rich folks to pay for a toll fee to drive through San Pedro. Maybe this would make them think twice about building more property up near Terreanea (old Marineland). I know this is a crazy thought, but getting funds to fix our roads would be great.
Sunday, August 5, 2012
Where is Joe Buscaino on110 Toll Road
Where is Joe Buscaino in protecting his constituents from the high fees and lack of access caused by the new 110 Fwy Toll Road? Where is the fairness of the new road for the resident of Los Angeles and the Harbor Gateway. San Pedro, Harbor City, and Wilmington are not Rolling Hills and Palos Verdes Estates and on average cannot afford the toll. When will our representative stand up for us and convey the unfairness of the toll road to the Los Angeles community. The communities of Rolling Hills and Palos Verdes drive on our roads and wear them down to get too and from work. They drive off and around the hill down 25th street, down 9th Street, down 1st Street wearing heavy on our roads. Now they get a special toll road for the rich. We should expect more.
Thursday, July 19, 2012
Progressives are not Liberals
There has been much to do about the divide within the Republican party between the "Tea Party" and the "Republican Establishment". However, the Republicans are missing the divide within the Democratic Party and are doing nothing to divide and conquer. Today the Democratic Party is made up of Liberals and Progressives. However, these are different ideologies. Liberals are: a political ideology or worldview founded on ideas of liberty and equality. Progressives are: political philosophy advocating or favoring social, political, and economic reform or changes usually in opposition to conservative or reactionary ideologies. As of today conservatives want fairness and equality in the rules everyone plays by, just like liberals. And if you have been listening to Mitt Romney's stump speech about freedom you can hear that it sounds a lot like liberty for all. Hopefully, our political leaders can find a way to work together. But if the Republican Party can start to realize that they have more in common with their Liberal counterparts than with the Progressives in the Democratic Party, maybe they can move towards agreement on more issues. Just a guy from Pedro, no political hack, but I do know that a liberal is not a progressive.
Thursday, June 28, 2012
Rancho Holding's Butane Gas Issue Over Reaction
The Northwest San Pedro Neighborhood Council has been beating the drum for a few years now about the need to remove Rancho Holding's Butane tanks from Westmonte and Gaffey streets in San Pedro. This push for the tank removal culminated recently with a meeting held on June 27th at Taper Avenue Elementary School a couple of blocks away from the tanks. Unfortunately the Council and many in San Pedro need to get overthemselves and their "fears" of a big explosion. The fact is that the probability of a tank blowing up is LESS than the probability that a tanker blows up in the harbor. Does anyone remember the SS Sansinena in 1972? So, if you are not going to fight against tankers blowing up in the harbor, why fight Butane gas. Also, I would estimate that 80% of everyone that has a house in the immediate area bought their home less than 30 years ago. As a result, the people of the Northwest San Pedro Council knew about the tankers, refinary, and the jet fuel tanks near Mary Star High and bought anyways. It would be like moving next to Dodger Stadium, finding out that there is tons of traffic on game days and asking the Dodgers to move the Stadium. The Rancho Holdings butane gas issues is not an issue at all. As a San Pedran I am slightly offended that this has even become an issue. This issue shows that San Pedrans are stupid. Stupid to buy a home next to a refinary and butane tanks and complain about it. Stupid to complain about a butane tank explosion when you live next to a Refinary in plain site.
Monday, June 4, 2012
Warner Grand Needs to be a Local Asset
In the June version of "San Pedro Today" the editor, Josh Stecker, does a good job of telling the community that the Warner Grand is a great local asset that is under utilized. What the editor does not mention is that the Warner Grand is expensive and does a poor job of reaching out to the community to house events. A great example is how South Shores Elementary School goes to Dominguez Hills for its annual production. Even last summer's Scalawag Productions needed some intervention from the San Pedro Chamber of Commerce to make it financially viable. Basic economics would say if you want more people to use your product, you should lower the price. You can sell more donuts at $1/per compared to $5/per. So if you want more utilization of the Warner Grand, and you want to increase traffic into down town, then the Warner Grand should lower its prices and help draw in the local community. Josh is correct, the Warner Grand is a great local asset. We just need the Warner Grand team to find a way to lower the price and help draw in the local community so downtown will become the go to spot it should be.
Sunday, May 6, 2012
110 Toll Lane Divides Rich and Poor
The toll lanes planned for the 110 Freeway is not good for the poor and families. Nothing can be more divisive then a special road where people with money can drive and others can watch. Additionally divisive is saying that the funds from the toll road will be used for the separate but not equal public transit which is primarily used by the poor. Toll lanes may bring in revenue to our government, but at what costs? Families that want to drive into Los Angeles for the day can't use the car pool lane on impromptu trips making things tougher on them. If you have been in a car with a small child you know the value of a quick trip and what is lost by creating toll roads. Toll roads also create a spectacle where the poor get to watch the rich have special access, further fermenting discontent in america. Toll roads are divisive, the car pool lanes were able to be accessed by everyone. Now it takes $3/month and maybe $1.40/mile.
Sunday, April 29, 2012
Taxes is not Charity
This past week I read an article in the Daily Breeze that indicated that religious leaders were backing the "tax the rich" proposition in California, and in general support raising taxes to support "social justice" causes. In addition, just this past month I ran into someone that thought it was Ok to be taxed more. PLEASE stop the insanity. Paying taxes is not the same thing as "social justice" and is not the same thing as giving the poor. It may be true that a portion of taxes go to the poor in the form of welfare benefits, etc. But most of it goes elsewhere to fund the police, fire department, teachers, building projects, the deficit, any the many other government departments that have nothing to do with the poor. Combine the fact that taxes are a forced tithe and I don't know why religious leaders would support it. Forced tithes were never in Jesus' play book. Jesus wanted people to give freely. I know that some religions do require tithing, but forcing all Californians to tithe would be wrong in any religion. Charity on the other hand is given freely and more of the funds given to charity actually goes to the needed. When only a portion of taxes actually go to the poor, it should not be equaled to funding charities and addressing social justice issues. When taxes are forced not given freely it is more like robbery then charity. Please stop the insanity. We need to re-educate our religious leaders that charity is Christ like, taxes are not.
Friday, March 30, 2012
USS Iowa and SS Lane Victory Should be Together
It is exciting to have the USS Iowa coming to San Pedro. The old Todd shipyard employed many Pedro people and put the Navy front and center at our port. Before the Air Force moved in we had Navy housing and a strong Navy presence. Over the years with the downsizing of our military and the consolidation of its sites we have lost touch with the Navy. It will be good to have them back.
However, though our community leaders did a good job lobbying to bring the USS Iowa to town, I think the Port of Los Angeles did us a disservice by keeping the USS Iowa and SS Lane Victory separated. I appreciate that the two might be right down the street and a red car ride away. But imagine the synergy of having visitors park in one lot, with the ability to easily visit both. If we want San Pedro to be a destination town we need to make it easy for people to see the great items in our town. Keeping the SS Lane Victory and USS Iowa separate makes no sense.
Sunday, March 18, 2012
Better Land Use in San Pedro
When you drive around San Pedro there are lots of vacant lots and undeveloped property. In some cities the local neighborhood works with the property owner to adopt the lot. The neighborhood also works with the city to post the correct signs about no dumping, etc. A great opportunity for San Pedro is to have the Dalmation American Club and the Muller House team up to clean up the lot on 16th and Beacon. A simple lot clean up could improve parking for both of these valuable local institutions. And if they chipped in for a single light post the parking would be more secure for night time events. San Pedro is a great town, we can make it better by cleaning up and re-using the vacant lots.
Sunday, February 5, 2012
No Freedom From Government
President Obama's Administration talks a good game about equality, unfortunately the deeds do not follow the words.
This past week the Administration announced the plan to make religious health institutions pass out contraception and support abortions. The logic is amazingly flawed. Abortion is often sighted as a women's right to choose. Yet institutions cannot choose to be free of the new rules. And christians, muslims, and many religious people that work in the health industry are having their freeedom of choice trampled on. These religious people's freedom of choice is to obstain from abortion and contraception. Where is America's religious freedom when the Government is choosing one belief over another. One one side, the government believes that abortion is not murder. On the other side, many people believe it is murder. There is no equality when the Government picks one side over another.
We believe in freedom in America. When governments support some beliefs over others, America is weeker.
Sunday, January 29, 2012
San Pedro Exceptionalism
I just read the January version of "San Pedro Today". There is definitely alot of enthusiasm over Joe Buscaino's win in the LA City's 15th district race. It is great that another local person makes the LA City big time. And it is good that we bring a fresh face to politics. I like many others are excited about our town's future. But I like our chances moving forward NOT because we have a new elected official. I am optimistic because of our great civic pride and the "Do It Ourselves" attitude. It is great organizations like Eastview Little League, the San Pedro Softball Association, the skate park under the freeway, the "Clean San Pedro" crew, the San Pedro Boy's and Girl's club, and many many more that do not rely on the government. These organizations work to make our town better despite the government and should be soluted. It is our "San Pedro Exceptionalism" that should have been listed in the "San Pedro Today" paper. We have Pedro Pride. Pedro Exceptionalism is one of the things that makes us so proud.
Thursday, January 5, 2012
Republicans are Dolts for Poor Spin
At the National level the Republican party has the worst public relations team on the planet. They are lazy and are getting schooled by the Democrats at every turn. Like it or not, President Obama is a likeable figure. So, the Republican attempt to demonize him comes across as hollow to many independents.
As the economy continues to limp along slowly getting better, President Obama has the opportunity to make the case that he has lead America through the Great Recession and is on a path to a better future. The Republicans for some reason are too lazy or too wimpy to point out that it was the Democratic Congress that drove the economy into the ditch in 2008. And it was the Republican congress voted into office into 2010 that kept President Obama from running the economy into a ditch again. It was the Republican congress voted into office in 2010 that kept President Obaman and the democrats from spending more. And despite the Democrats stating that the sky would fall if everything they wanted was not approved, it hasn't. Without everything the Democrats wanted the economy is slowly recovering. If the Republicans can improve the economy with only 1/3 of the government, just think what they could do with the Presidency and the Senate.
Unfortunately, the Republican's don't know how to higher a publicist. And the Republicans don't know how to make a distinct case about why they are better than the Democrats without demonizing a likeable guy, President Obama.
Wednesday, January 4, 2012
Welcome to San Pedro
I love living in San Pedro. And I love our Pedro pride. Just recently the community rallied together to cover up the billboard with the bikini girl on Gaffey Street at the end of the 110 Freeway. Now my hope is that we rally together to add back "Welcome to San Pedro" to the walking bridge over Gaffey. The walking bridge is the first thing you see when you come off the 110 freeway and enter Pedro, and it should be the thing that welcomes everyone to our great town. Lots of towns have water sheds or signs that welcome people into town. The walking bridge is our unique landmark that we should use to welcome folks. "Walking to San Pedro" use to be there. We need to bring it back.
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